
A working example of a Preact as an SSG with partial hydration aka ⚡🧩💦.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What This is:

This is a working example of a SSG with partial(selective) hydration[⚡🧩💦].


The server and client render should not be 1:1. Don't render buttons on the server that require JS to work. Don't ship code to the client that simply repeats what the server has already done

Inspired by:

More features

  • Lazy evaluate hydrated components with intersection observer
  • Prefetch templates based on hover.
  • Portal Based router using TurboLink-esq appraoch (super ugly right now)
  • Host on render.com and get free brotli compression

Coming soon

Coming in the future



node v10+ (until deno has a proper bundler) deno: (brew install deno)

Bootstrap and Run All - Watch

npm i && deno --allow-run --allow-read src/main.ts

Or run commands independent.

Bundle frontend.

npm run build

Prerender HTML

deno --allow-write --allow-read --importmap=import_map.json ./src/prerender.ts

Server Dist:

deno --allow-net --allow-read --importmap=import_map.json src/server/serve.ts"

Prerender & Bundle & Serve:

deno --allow-write --allow-read --importmap=import_map.json prerender.ts && npm run build && deno --allow-net --allow-read --importmap=import_map.json server.ts


  • @developit


To bundle client side: (must be on master as of April 7th) ../deno/target/debug/deno bundle --importmap=import_map.json client/app.js dist/bundle.js

  1. deno bundler still isn't ready for primetime.
  2. until then we'll use microbundle to bundle our front end.
  3. Minify html
  4. Purgecss
  5. device testing with refreshing?
  6. Make a SSR Framework like fusion using oak
  7. figure out DI by looking into fusion core.
  8. Have a monorepo command line like nx
  9. What is http3?