
Needle in the haystack. Compare folders and output a diff of exceptions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • switch to node v4.1.1 or above.
  • nvm install v4.1.1
  • nvm use 4.1.1

Install some globals.

  • npm i nw-builder -g
  • npm i grunt-cli -g
  • npm i gulp -g
  • npm i bower -g
  • npm i live-reload -g
  • npm install nw -g
  • brew install imagemagick

! Restart terminal

Go to root:

  • npm i
  • bower i
  • gulp sass:watch
  • npm start

How to build nwjs

  • run gulp build
  • cd into build folder
  • run npm i
  • run grunt nwjs

How to run watchers for css

  • run gulp sass:watch


Locales Regex must be set in the service file-traversal