
An example repository for building own custom url scheme and pass the parameters to script

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An example repository for building own custom url scheme and pass the parameters to script

一個如何在 mac 上自訂 url protocol 並透過網頁傳送參數至指定 script 的範例

Write the scheme handler in AppleScript

  • open AppleScript.
  • copy and paste the following code to it.
on open location schemeUrl
	set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	-- This saves Applescript's old text item delimiters to the variable oldDelims.
	set newDelims to {"custom://", "?param="}
	-- This sets the variable newDelims to our new custom url handler prefix and the prefix for the page number argument.
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newDelims
	-- This sets Applescript's text item delimiters to the newDelims.
	set param to item 3 of the text items of schemeUrl
	-- This extracts the file name from the passed url using the new text item delimiters. The param is the third text item.
	set param to do shell script "/bin/bash " & "/path/to/your/script.sh " & param
	-- set param to do shell script "python " & "/path/to/your/python/script.py " & param
	-- This sets the variable param to your script execute result
	display alert "done" & param
	-- This display the result
end open location
  • modify the custom:// and ?param= to the url scheme you want.

in this example, we set the url scheme to custom://something-I-dont-need?param=Hello

  • modify the bin/bash, /path/to/your/script.sh and the param position, or just uncomment the python line.
  • comment the display alert line if you don't need.
  • save the applescript to Application.

Register the url scheme in application

  • Right click on the application you just save, and select Show Package Contents
  • Find the Info.plist file in path Contents
  • Use whatever text editor your like to edit it.
  • Find the line
  • Paste the following code after it.
		<string>Custom Scheme</string>
  • Change the Custom Scheme and custom to what you want.
  • Save it!

Before test it

  • Just run the application after you finish the previous step to register the url scheme in macos.
  • Restart the browser/terminal/iTerm2 to get the renew url scheme.
  • Finish!
