Starcraft2Metrics offers metrics calculated from replay files using the SC2Reader parser.
The end goal of Starcraft2Metrics is to offer the user a visualization of the trend of each metric that is calculated in order for the user to see if there has been improvement over a period of time. This information can be used to locate weak points in a player's skill and improve that area.
The SC2ReplayParser is a command line utility that will gather metric data from a directory of replays. The parser will output a csv file that contains a number of useful metrics along with metadata about each replay. The metric data can then be used to derive trends.
Replay metadata:
- Replay Name
- Date
- Map
- Race Matchup
- Game Length
- Game Type
- Is Ladder?
Metrics offered:
- Time to Max (ttm)
- Time to 3 bases (ttb3)
- Time to 4 bases (ttb4)
- Time to 66 workers (ttw66)
- Time to 75 workers (ttw75)
- Average APM (apm)
- Average Spending Quotient (sq)
- Average Spending Quotient Pre-Max Supply (sq-max)
- Average Unspent Resources (aur)
- Average Unspent Resources Pre-Max Supply (aur-max)
- Average Resource Collection Rate (rcr)
- Average Resource Collection Rate Pre-Max Supply (rcr-max)
- Time spent Supply Capped (sc)