
An abstract illustration of multiple same dependencies import problem

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is an abstract illustration of multiple same dependencies import problem when bundling with Webpack in monorepo.

The story

There is a monorepo with two private local packages, boopler and woopler, perfectly symlinked with Lerna.

boopler is depending on woopler, both of them have import * as $ from "jquery". boopler binds DOMReady event with it, woopler makes some DOM manipulations.

Finally, there is index.ts in the root of the repo, which have import "boopler". It is an entry point for Webpack bundle.

The thing is in that both boopler and woopler packages has same jquery dependency version. However, it's included twice in the output main.js file. And this is sad. I know, that is how resolving works but still. This is sad.

You can check it out by browse main.js file, outputted by Webpack.

Or you can clone this repo, then run:

  • yarn
  • yarn lerna bootstrap
  • yarn build

And check the result again.

Related issues

Possible workarounds?

  • Make some shared package, which have jquery dependency and make resolve alias to it's jquery. Don't store jquery in boopler and woopler deps. Possible cons is static errors in IDE, maybe something else.
  • Use optimization.runtimeChunk: 'single' in webpack.config.js link
  • Using aliases with peer dependencies link