Little Esty Shop

"Little Esty Shop" is a fictitious e-commerce management platform for admins and merchants to oversee inventory, and track and fulfill customer invoices. "Little Esty Shop" is deployed via Heroku at Little Esty Shop.

Features: Merchants

Tools created to make it easy for your merchants to manage inventory and customers

Merchants can track items and invoices, and easily see favorite customers.
Merchant Show Page

Merchants can track and change the status of their items with the click of a button.
Merchant Items Page

Merchants can see individual items and update their attributes.
Item Show Page

Features: Admins

Tools created to support site administrators simplify the tasks associated with managing complex commerce.

Admins can track merchants, invoices, and customers from a single central dashboard.
Admin Dashboard

With a simple click of a button, admins can enable or disable their merchants.
Admin Merchants Show

Admins can track individual invoices and statistics with ease.
Admin Invoices Show

Shipping Changes

If you would like to make changes to this project, please contact the owner of this repository via GitHub.


This project was developed via Ruby 2.7.2, on Rails 5.2.5.

Database Schema
Database Schema

To access the dev environment for this app please follow these steps:

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your fork
  • From the command line, install gems and set up your DB:
    • bundle
    • rails db:create

You can access the test suite (includes use of Capybara, FactoryBot, Faker, RSpec, and Pry) via bundle exec rspec. You can run the development server with rails s to see the app in action.

  • Run rake csv_load:all to populate data from the Command Line to the rails server


This app was developed via Ruby on Rails by students at Turing School of Software and Design in 2021.