Take Home Exercise

A big portion of our job is being able to create and develop importers for various types of customer data. In this exercise, you will be tasked with creating a basic importer that allows you to import data files in various formats.

  1. Each file import should be able to be triggered with a single function call.
  2. For as many of the test files complete the following.
    • Extract the metadata at the top of the data file. Write the metadata as key value pairs in a txt file to the results directory.
    • Import the data and write it as a csv in the results directory. Feel free to use any python packages to accomplish this task.
  3. Plot all voltage traces across all files as a function of time in a single figure. Use any python-based plotter such as matplotlib, plotly, bokeh, etc.
  4. Save the figure as a .png to the results folder.

It is okay if you do not manage to get all the datafiles imported, the focus of this exercise is the design of the importer. It may help to think about the importer in the context of configurability.

Some configuration options we recommend:

  • File path to read in
  • File path to output to
  • Normalization of units and column names

Use the differences in the data files to inspire more configuration options.

Please do not spend more than four hours on this project.

If you get stuck or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Evaluation Guidelines

  • Code clarity/readability
  • Testing
  • Requirements fulfilled
  • Documentation