
Uses the '/documents/{evisortId}/content' endpoint of the Evisort API.
Downloads PDF's & DocX from specific Evisort search queries.


Input : Excel file exported from Evisort search

  • The excel column that contains docID is extracted, and turned into a list.
  • Each item in that list is then used to ping the API and download the document.

Output : Folder containing all PDF / DocX from that search


  • download this project
  • export the search results from your query / queries as an excel sheel
  • drag the excel sheet into the project folder
  • drag the folder into terminal
  • python3 main.py
  • Enter your API Key

USAGE TUTORIAL : https://www.loom.com/share/fb33a42ffe6a4651a027fcbd4fca794d


  • It works. You are going to need your own API key. (Under the integrations tab in a workspace)
  • Speed might be an issue. Look into whether or not multiprocessing / threading would speed things up. 500 documents took 10 minutes.