- 0
Bad check at line 146
#33 opened by agusmdev - 0
error occurred when using
#34 opened by zy455761544 - 0
Processing files with strings
#32 opened by benoitpaillard - 1
Full ranking sort
#14 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 2
Issue with Python 3.6 and Pandas
#30 opened by TRomijn - 2
- 1
input file format is what?
#28 opened by Ambier - 0
Possible bug: order of options
#27 opened by Lordmzn - 7
```--reverse-column-indices``` triggers an erro
#23 opened by Lordmzn - 1
contribution for duplicate entries
#26 opened by jdherman - 0
warning flags
#25 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
better regression tests
#24 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 4
Backwards definition of objectives columns
#22 opened by Lordmzn - 3
True strict sort
#21 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 2
allow maximization objectives
#9 opened by jdherman - 1
- 1
- 1 needs a picture
#16 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
- 1
#15 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
Allow input from standard input
#17 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 3
Option for output to stdout
#10 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 3
More compact syntax for column spec
#6 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
Work with Pandas dataframes
#13 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 0
Check for Python >= 2.7
#4 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
Save partial results
#11 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
- 7
- 1
#8 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
handle bad input
#7 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 3
Are there numpy version issues?
#5 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
Make sure it works under Python3
#3 opened by matthewjwoodruff - 1
#1 opened by matthewjwoodruff