
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Generating flamegraphs for a Running Node Service on Linux

This guide assumes a running instance of Lodestar and will walk through how to generate a flamegraph for the process.


Install rendering tools 0x, FlameGraph and flamescope. They are all submodules of this repo so:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Modifying Lodestar

Install perf to generate the stack traces. You may get a warning about needing to restart the VM due to kernel updates. If so, cancel out of the restart.

sudo apt-get install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic
sudo apt-get install linux-tools-`uname -r`  # empirically this throws if run on the same line above

SSH into the Lodestar instance and modify ~/beacon/beacon_run.sh to add a necessary flag.

admin@ cd ~/beacon
admin@ vim beacon_run.sh # add --perf-basic-prof or --perf-basic-prof-only-functions
admin@ cat beacon_run.sh # should look something like this when done

# Load location of node to bin path
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

# Allows to edit node args, and lodestar args
# To apply changes, restart the systemd service
# ```
# systemctl restart beacon
# ```

node \
  --perf-basic-prof \
  --max-old-space-size=4096 \
  /usr/src/lodestar/packages/cli/bin/lodestar \
  beacon \
  --rcConfig /home/devops/beacon/rcconfig.yml
admin@ sudo systemctl restart beacon.service
admin@ sudo perf record -F 99 -p $(pgrep -f '/usr/src/lodestar/packages/cli/bin/lodestar beacon') -g -- sleep 60
admin@ sudo chmod 777 ~/beacon/perf.data

And then copy the perf.data file to your local machine and render the flamegraph. There are a few options that have been tested. Open test.ts to modify the results. From this repo root run:

scp admin@ ./data/perf.data
npx ts-node src/test