
Faster and simpler way to create GraphQL servers

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Faster and simpler technique for creating and querying GraphQL schemas.

Video Course

If you're interested in diving deeper into GraphQL, I've created a video course called Building Better APIs with GraphQL.


  • Support for queries, mutations, and subscriptions
  • Input type support
  • Variable support


npm install graph.ql


var Schema = require('graph.ql')

// an object of promises that fetch actual data
var loaders = require('./loaders')

// create the schema
var schema = Schema(`
  scalar Date

  type Person {
    name: String
    films: [Film]

  type Film {
    title: String,
    producers(): [String]
    characters(limit: Int): [Person]
    release_date: Date

  type Query {
    film(id: Int): Film
    person(id: Int): Person
`, {
  Date: {
    serialize(date) {
      return new Date(date)
  Person: {
    films(person) {
      return loaders.film.loadMany(person.films)
  Film: {
    producers(film) {
      return film.producer.split(',')
    characters(film, args) {
      var characters = args.limit
        ? film.characters.slice(0, args.limit)
        : film.characters

      return loaders.person.loadMany(characters)
  Query: {
    film(query, args) {
      return loaders.film.load(args.id)
    person(query, args) {
      return loaders.person.load(args.id)

// use the schema
  query fetch_film($id: Int) {
    film(id: $id) {
      characters {
        films {
`, {
  id: 1
}).then(res => console.log(res.data))

graphql-js vs graph.ql

Say we want to create a GraphQL schema that looks like this:

type Film {
  title: String

type Query {
  film(id: Int): Film

With the official graphql-js library, it would look like this:

var graphql = require('graphql')

var Film = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Film',
  fields: {
    title: {
      type: graphql.GraphQLString

var schema = new graphql.GraphQLSchema({
  query: new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'Query'
    fields: {
      film: {
        type: Film,
        args: {
          id: {
            description: 'Fetch the film by id',
            type: graphql.GraphQLInt
        resolve: (root, args) => load_film(args.id)

With graph.ql, we just need to do this:

var schema = Schema(`
  type Film {
    title: String

  type Query {
    # Fetch the film by id
    film(id: Int): Film
`, {
  Query: {
    film(root, args) {
      return load_film(args.id)


How do I add descriptions?

  • You can add descriptions by placing a comment directly above the field or type. The following shows a comment on a type as well as a comment on a field.
# Query methods
type Query {
  # Fetch the film by id
  film (id: Int): Film


Thanks to ForbesLindesay for his initial work on graphql-schema-gen which laid the groundwork for this module.

Thanks to the GraphQL team for an incredible spec as well as their kitchen sink documents to quickly test against the entire spec.

Run Tests

npm install
