
Various options and settings used for development across machines

Primary LanguageVim Script


A collection of dotfiles, scripts, settings used across mac machines, all kept and maintained as an ansible playbook.


Python 3, and ansible.

Install Ansible

With pip

Ansible can be installed with pip, the Python package manager. If pip isn’t already available your system with Python, run the following commands to install it:

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python get-pip.py --user

Then install Ansible:

pip install --user ansible

With homebrew

Homebrew installs ansible, yet this playbook handles installing homebrew! So that's a fun chicken and egg problem.

If homebrew isn't already on your machine - live dangerously and excecute a remote shell script:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Then install ansible:

brew install ansible

This should also install a compatible version of python3.


You can run the full playbook with the following command:

ansible-playbook -i "./inventory" "./main.yml"  --ask-become-pass --tags="all"

Or just with the binfile, passing in $tags. Without any tag values, all roles will be run.

./bin/bootstrap rust #install rust

Included Configuration


  • trackpad
  • keyboard


  • expanded print/save dialogs
  • dark mode
  • highlight colors
  • system animations
  • screenshot formats
  • hidden files
  • dock icons


  • profile/bashrc
  • per-project-config
  • theming


  • Powerline Modified SF Mono


  • elixir
  • elm
  • erlang
  • fennel
  • go
  • lua
  • node
  • python3
  • rust


  • 1Password
  • Alacritty Terminal
  • Balena Etcher
  • Brave Browser
  • Encrypto
  • Docker
  • Dash
  • Insomnia Rest Client
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Pixelmator
  • Postgres
  • Quiver Notes
  • Spotify
  • Sqlitestudio
  • Slack
  • The Unarchiver
  • Timelime

Packages and Command Line Tools

  • asdf
  • autoconf
  • bash-completion
  • bash-git-prompt
  • cloudfoundry cli
  • coreutils
  • docker-compose
  • fzf
  • fzy # TODO - consolidate usage to just fzy.
  • git-lfs
  • git
    • global gitignore
    • gitconfig
  • gnu-tar
  • gpg
  • jq
  • heroku toolbelt
  • kubectl
  • neovim
    • init.vim / plugins
    • tmux integration
  • ripgrep
  • terraform
  • terraform-inventory
  • terraform-provisioner-ansible
  • tmux
    • tmux.conf, plugins
    • tmux-jumper/tmux-session
  • vault
  • wxmac


  • ASDF language module

    • better checks for changes
  • Chrome / Brave Extensions

  • key bindings

    • capslock as escape
    • fn + hjkl for navigation
    • fn + w/W/b/B for word navigation?