
Map module specifiers to other names

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Map configuration for modules, as a Babel plugin. Rewrites module specifiers to apply aliases.

For example, this code:

import mod from 'foo';

Will be transformed into:

import mod from 'bar';

When using the config: {foo: 'bar'}.


yarn add babel-plugin-modules-map --dev


In your .babelrc add:

  "plugins": [
    ["modules-web-compat", {
      "foo": "bar"

The second argument being your map configuration. A map is like an alias from one name to another. Partial matches are also applied so that:

import mod from 'foo/baz';

With the config:

  "plugins": [
    ["modules-web-compat", {
      "foo": "bar"

Will become:

import mod from 'bar/baz';


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