
Yet another web worker library by me!

Primary LanguageHTML


A small library for communication between the main thread and workers.

The Problem

Web Workers are a cool way to offload expensive work to another thread. However, all communication is done through a single message event. If you want your worker to do more than 1 thing, a lot of boilerplate is required to reroute messages to the correct handler.

The Solution

This is a small library that create instances of event emitters that run both in the window and worker contexts. This makes it easy to send a message to one specific emitter, allowing you to have as many different handlers as you want.


import { connect } from 'https://unpkg.com/leni/leni.js';

let worker = new Worker('./worker.js');
let emitter = connect('app', worker);

emitter.addEventListener('anything-here', function(resp){
  console.log(resp); // Hi Matthew!

emitter.post('say-hi', { name: 'Matthew' });



function onApp(emitter) {
  emitter.addEventListener('say-hi', data => {
    let msg = `Hi ${data.name}!`;
    emitter.post('anything-here', msg);

leni.subscribe('app', onApp);

That's it!


You can install with npm or yarn:

> npm install leni --save
> yarn add leni

Or better yet, use directly from unpkg:

import { connect } from 'https://unpkg.com/leni/leni.js';

// Use it!

If you plan on using leni throughout your app you can create a wrapper module like so:


export * from 'https://unpkg.com/leni/leni.js';


import { connect } from './leni.js';

