


The webcomponents.org site.

It consists of multiple Appengine services and requires gcloud for most development.

At a high-level, the services are

  • Manage, a Python service dealing with ingestion and management of ingested data from Bower, Github and Analysis.
  • Api, a Python service providing a REST api used by Client to access data from Manage.
  • Client, a Polymer web app that provides the user interface and consumes data from Api.
  • Analysis, a node.js service that performs slower analysis on ingested elements, using Bower and Hydrolysis.

System-level dependencies

The following dependencies are required to develop, test and/or deploy www.webcomponents.org


npm install

Alternatively, you can use yarn for faster builds:


Client & analysis

For instructions, view their sub-directories client/ and analysis/.

Running tests

python tests.py $APPENGINE_SDK


To increase Github API quota, acqure a Github token and store it:

cat > secrets.yaml
github_token: 'your-github-token'

If you would like to use reCAPTCHA, obtain a token and store it:

cat > secrets.yaml
recaptcha: 'your-token'

Deploy to staging.

grunt lint #lints both client and python
appcfg.py update_dispatch dispatch.yaml
appcfg.py update manage.yaml
appcfg.py update api.yaml

Deploy client & analysis per their documentation.