
A thin front end framework for interacting with a RESTful API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A thin front end framework for interacting with a RESTful API.


Build and run tests with grunt


//Requires jQuery
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="slender.min.js"></script>

##Data Binding

Set up

Instantiate a new Slender object for each model you want to save. (Note: untested for multiple objects)

var sl = new Slender();

Any changes you make on the local side will be automatically done to the server.

  1. Register the object to be bound with slender.
  2. Pull in the most recent version of this from the API and save it to localstorage.
  3. Every time this local model is changed, slender will automatically update to the API.

1. Register

  • getURL should be the url to GET the whole object required to be synced
  • putURL is the url to PUT an updated version of the object to the server (Note: haven't worked out different update methods yet)
  • delURL is the url to DELETE the whole object from the server and the local store
sl.register('modelName', {
  getURL: 'http://url/item/:id',         //Ensure ':id' is replaced for your object
  putURL: 'http://url/item/:id',
  delURL: 'http://url/item/:id'
}, function(err, data) {
  console.log(err, data);

2. Pull & Save

Runs a GET request on the registered URL and saves the returned object to the local store. This is part of the initial 'setup stage' - it is generally only run once.

sl.pull('modelName', function(err, data) {
  //callback for when `pull` is done. 
  console.log(err, data);

3. Update After Change

Does a PUT request to the registered URL after you have changed the local store. Slender provides some convenience methods for saving to the local storage.

  property: 'toBeChanged'
//Note: not sure if this should be done automatically or after method called

##RESTful Interactions

These methods follow a basic pattern of (url, data, callback), where data is optional.

get: Used for GET requests. data is optional. Authorisation is a work in progress.

slender.get('https://www.google.com/finance/info?&q=NASDAQ:AAPL', function(response) {

post: Used for POST requests. Need to clarify what data format should be.

var myInfo = {
  name: 'Matthew Palmer',
  age : '17'

slender.post('https://.../', myInfo, function(response) {

put: Used for PUT requests.

slender.put('https://.../', function(response) {

delete: Used for DELETE requests.

slender.del('https://.../', function(response) {


Tests are done with Jasmine in a headless browser instance. Use grunt jasmine to run the tests.
