
AMANDA plugin script to back up a Mongo Database


This is a plugin script which allows AMANDA to back up a Mongo Database. To maintain the integrity of the backup, when performed on a running database, this should only be used on a read-only reporting node.



This script will be called by the AMANDA plugin API, snd should not be invoked directly. The configuration file "amanda.conf" defines the input arguments in the "script-tool" and "dumptype" sections.

For example,

define script-tool script-dump-mongo-replica {
    comment "Execute mongodump script"
    plugin "ammongodb"
    execute-where client
    execute-on pre-dle-backup, post-dle-backup
    property "port" "27018"
    property "auth" "/var/mongo/auth/mongo_backup_auth.cfg"
    property "log" "/var/logs/mongo/mongo-amanda.log"

define dumptype dump-mongo-replica {
    comment "Mongo Dump"
    script "script-dump-mongo-replica"
    auth "bsdtcp"

Will execute this command, as seen in the amada sendbackup log file:

/usr/libexec/amanda/application/ammongodb ammongodb POST-DLE-BACKUP \ 
    --execute-where client --config DailyBackup --host example.domain.net \
    --disk /var/mongo/dump --device /var/mongo/dump --level 0 --port 27018 \
    --auth /var/mongo/auth/mongo_backup_auth.cfg --log /var/log/mongo/mongo-amanda.log"


Most of the options are self-explanatory to users of Mongo.

  • port: which the Mongo daemon listens on (standard for standalone is 27017; replica node, 27018)

  • auth: file containing authentication credentials for the backup user, of the form:


The AMANDA "execute-on" key will take several values, but the ammongodb script will only recognise two:

  • pre-dle-backup: execute the mongodump command, dumping to the disk subdirectory mongo-backup-dump, backing up this directory to the AMANDA datastore.
  • post-dle-backup: delete the mongo-backup-dump subdirectory
  • log: file containing the backup script output; logs are also to be found in /var/log/amanda/client/Config/sendbackup*.