A sample app for my online course "Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles"
- 2
Update to .NET Core
#11 opened by Youssef1313 - 1
Throw a calls-stack details Exceptions Msg when Calling Service (WebApi) project 'Sale By Id=5' endpoints which(SaleId=5) is not existed at Sales DB table
#14 opened by tutul2010 - 0
- 2
How to create the database used in the demo
#12 opened by Prutpan - 2
Database creation
#8 opened by emeria-zz - 1
Not Build the project many error
#7 opened by darshitachavda11 - 2
- 1
#4 opened by edgarvalcarcel - 2
Discussion threads for topics
#2 opened by pvanroos - 2
Use webapi on Service layer
#3 opened by edgarvalcarcel - 1
Typo in project name
#1 opened by monrealis