
My course project for Coursera's Getting and Cleaning Data

Primary LanguageR

Overview of program

The first thing we need to do is create the large, singular data set. We do that by loading the six required documents: the actual data, the labels for the data, and the subjects for that data, for both the test set and the training set. I appended the labels and subjects to the data via cbind, then i rbinded both data sets together to get the 'raw' data set.

After that, I needed only the mean and standard deviation results, so I loaded the features from the dataset, and I filtered out which ones were means and which were standard deviations using the apply function and grep. I got the indices these occured at, merged them together, and then subsetted the raw data to get the 'actual' data set.

At this point, I labelled the data itself: Named the variables used, appeneded the subjects and activities, and named their columns, too. Now, we need to replace the activity values with actual names. I do that via simple subsetting and re-assignment.

At this point, our final non-tidy data set is done. All that is left to do is average all the values for each activity and subject. I do that with the melt command from the reshape2 library. I melt the data by Activity and Subject, then use a dcast to call mean over the data in those melt ids. The result is then written to a file called clean_data.txt.