== Podio Base App

This application is the basis for Blink Custom Podio Integrations.

== Preparations on Podio

Create an API key by logging into Podio and go to Account Settings in the My Account dropdown. Then go to the API Keys tab and write a name and a domain for this app. While you are developing, you probably want to set the domain to localhost:3000 or similar.

== Configuration

You must put your API key and secret in the environment variables PODIO_CLIENT_ID and PODIO_CLIENT_SECRET. Put your user id into PODIO_USER_ID. For development you can use the figaro gem, which sources them from application.yml. Alternatively, (.powenv Do a find/replace for PodioBase Change the session key in config/initializers/session_store.rb Generate a new session secret with rake

== Features

  • Podio Omniauth, extended to retrieve extra user details/picture

  • Twitter Bootstrap for a great basis for styling

  • HAML/SASS for blazing fast HTML/CSS

  • Caching with Dalli (memcache)

  • Testing with Guard, Spork, Rspec, VCR

  • App / Fields Stored in Database (sourced from csvs with rake db:seed )

== Planned Features

  • DelayedJob
  • Hook-based actions/notifications
  • More to come!