
Twitter bot Built in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


Build Status

TwitterBot is a bot built using Elixir. Its aim is to use Wit.ai's language processing to determine the intent of a tweet, and then respond appropriately.

Follow it at @SupprtBot.

Examples of questions you can ask at the moment:

@SupprtBot what is the weather in Chicago?

SupprtBot will respond with the current temperature in Chicago.

@SupprtBot roll a die

SupportBot will roll one 6 sided die for you.

@SupprtBot flip a coin

SupprtBot will flip a coin.

@SupprtBot hello

SupprtBot will say hello back and provide a link to this repository.

@SupprtBot tell me a joke

SupprtBot will respond with a joke from the icanhazdadjoke api.

Want to run your own? Clone the repository, and create a .env file like this:

export CONSUMER_KEY=<twitter consumer key>
export CONSUMER_SECRET=<twitter consumer secret>
export ACCESS_TOKEN=<twitter access token>
export ACCESS_SECRET=<twitter access secret>
export OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=<openweather api key>
export WIT_KEY=<wit.api key>

Then in lib/twitter_bot.ex modify the @handle to be your bot's name.

After that, run it: mix run -e TwitterBot.start