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FluentEmail Handlebars Plugin

Allows you to use Handlebars rendering engine and author your emails in Handlebars, using the excellent Handlebars.Net.

Basic Usage

var email = Email
    	.To("", "bob")
    	.Subject("hows it going bob")
    	.Body("yo dawg, sup?")

Dependency Injection

You can configure FluentEmail in startup.cs with these helper methods. This will by default inject IFluentEmail (send a single email) and IFluentEmailFactory (used to send multiple emails in a single context) with the ISender and ITemplateRenderer configured using AddHandlebarsRenderer(), AddSmtpSender() or other packages.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
		.AddSmtpSender("localhost", 25);

Using a template

// Using Handlebars templating package (or set using AddHandlebarsRenderer in services)
Email.DefaultRenderer = new HandlebarsRenderer();

var template = "Dear {{Name}}, You are totally {{Compliment}}.";

var email = Email
    .Subject("woo nuget")
    .UsingTemplate(template, new { Name = "Luke", Compliment = "Awesome" });

Using a template with optional partial templates

Registers partial templates described fully here

// Using Handlebars templating package (or set using AddHandlebarsRenderer(templatePath) in services)
Email.DefaultRenderer = new HandlebarsRenderer("some path to templates");