
Fork of script to setup my mac

Primary LanguageShell

Build Status

Dead simple script to setup my new Mac:

cd ~/Downloads
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pathikrit/mac-setup-script/master/defaults.sh | bash
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pathikrit/mac-setup-script/master/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh



-brew -unarchiver -xcode

Meta -Workplace app -flipper -xcode

Mac Settings -set date time & dat time format -24 hour time -set time format -set celcius -dock & menu bar settings -menubar clock show date never, hide date of week -auto hide show -minimize scale effect -dont show recent dock applications -mission control -disable auto rearrange spaces by recent use -general -prefer tabs always -click scroll bar to jump to spot that's clicked -auto light dark -touch id, pinky & index -security -allow apple watch to unlock -battery / power - -disable scroll to go back -keyboard repeat rate