Do You Know the Async Node-Pattern?

This repo tests your knowledge of the "node-pattern" for handling asynchronous code.


This task can be done by trial and error, but the goal is for you to make sure that you understand the flow of execution of asynchronous code using the node-pattern. Keep in mind, that the code has some things that are not normally used but when understand, will make you a better Node.js developer. When you are done with this task, set up a time with Josh so the two of you can go over your code. You will be asked to explain how the code works, line by line. If you need help make sure that you ask! 😉


  1. Clone the repo to your hardrive.
  2. You will edit the index.js file. Only change the console.log(0) lines so that it prints out the numbers 0 to 16 in order. Feel free to add your own console.log() to help debug.
  3. When you are finished, make a new repo on your personal GitHub account and push your changes there. (You will have to change the remote for the repo on your hard drive using git on the command line.)
  4. Remember you will need to be able to verbally explain how the code works, not just "get the right answer".