
Features a full example for creating a website on an ec2 instance with cloudformation only. Extends the official example "Create an Amazon S3 pipeline with AWS CloudFormation" provided by AWS.

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AWS Code Deploy Full Pipeline With Cloudformation Only - Website Example

This example extends the official AWS Tutorial on using cloud formation with s3 for automatic deployments. Instead of creating the instance, roles, security groups and installing the codedeploy agent yourself use cloudformation for everything.

Using cloudformation to do all the hard lifting:

  • Setting up EC2 instance for code deploy with code deploy agent installed
  • Setting up codedploy application and pipeline
  • Events for automatic run of codedeploy pipeline

You will be charged for creating AWS resources.


Just run the following 4 commands:

You only have to have an ec2 keypair for the instance, you have to specify the name of the keypair in the first command by replacing <Ec2KeyName> with the actual name and without <>.

  1. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name deployment-infra --template-body file://deployment-infra.yml --parameters "ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=<Ec2KeyName>" --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

  2. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name deployment-group --template-body file://deployment-group.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

  3. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name codepipeline-s3-events-yaml --template-body file://codepipeline-s3-events-yaml.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

  4. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name codepipeline-s3-cloudtrail-yaml --template-body file://codepipeline-s3-cloudtrail-yaml.yml

Now simply download the demo application SampleApp_Linux.zip SampleApp_Linux.zip and upload it to the root of your codepipeline-s3-events-yaml-sourcebucket-xxx source bucket. The deployment will start automatically and you can browse the example webpage under http://<public_instance_ip>-
