
Abstract artistic background images created with code

Primary LanguagePython


Abstract artistic background images created with code


  • Create a vector graphic with python 3
  • Descided for <svg> as a output format
  • Descided not to use any imported library

Create my setup

Visual Studio Code Community edition

  • I choose to work in Visual Studio Code Community edition
  • First I open a terminal and navigate into the my documents
  • I git clone the repository and open it in VS Code
    • git clone git@github.com:matthias-jaeger-net/python-gradient-abstracts.git
  • Then I open a new terminal and proceeed with the setup

Python 3 virtualenv

  • Create a new directory to 'rest' the virtualenv
    • mkdir venv
  • Installing the virtualenv in the directory
    • virtualenv -p python3 venv
  • Activating the virtualenv
    • source venv/bin/activate
  • Hide the venv for gitHub, create a gitignore file
    • echo '/venv/' > .gitignore

Create the working directory

  • mkdir work
  • cd work
  • touch test.py
  • echo 'print("hello world")' > test.py
  • python test.py
    • Output: hello world

Writing a svg with python

There are many ways to open and write to a file in python. I picked the file handler variant in combination with a call to open() and give a name and method to the function. Since we want to create a svg graphic I used an example and added it to the code.



<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />
# Template parts
# - Cutting the example from w3schools
begin = "<svg version=\"1.1\" "
begin += "baseProfile=\"full\" "
begin += "width=\"300\" "
begin += "height=\"200\" "
begin += "xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">"
elem = "<circle cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"40\" stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"4\" fill=\"yellow\" />"
end = "</svg>"

# Opens a handler for the file named 'f'
with open("gfx.svg", "w") as f:
  lines = [begin, elem, end]

Making the graphic variable

I started to create a function that can return me any kind of svg graphic, that I later on use in the same way as above to write to the file.


def createGraphic(w, h, content):
  #  Returns a svg string based on
  #  - w: width, pixels
  #  - h: height, pixels
  #  - content: string given shape to draw

  # SVG attributes
  version = "1.1"
  baseProfile = "full"
  width = str(width)
  height = str(height)
  xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"

  # SVG string template
  return f"""


with open("gfx_variable.svg", "w") as f:

  # Basic circle from example
  elem = "<circle cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"40\" stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"4\" fill=\"yellow\" />"

  # Using the defined function from above
  f.write(createGraphic(300, 300, elem))