
Blog application entirely written in React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A blogging system based on node.js and react as the frontend technology running on the server side and the client side.

Technological artifacts

  • (p)react js - using preact probably
  • flow typed
  • node js backend
  • unified language level (babel stage 3 on the server side and the client side)
  • transpiled by webpack on the client and babel on the server
  • express js on the server
  • couch db as database
  • styled components as main styling language

What does our blog software need?

  • compatibility to heroku and other cloud hosting systems
  • writing articles in a taxonomy system
  • in place editing / edit mode with a medium like interface
  • writing comments using the same interface
  • ready to run system
  • optional production ready caching
  • service worker for the assets
  • labels with different taxonomies and m:n relation to articles
  • taxonomy based m:n relations between articles
    • eg link a -> b, next a -> b, previous b -> a, see-also a -> b
  • auto relation and link control system (a link remains intact even if the name changes)
  • simple and static permalink structure
    • /taxonomy/article-slug
    • /labels/taxonomy/label-slug
  • async loading of comments (only the article itself is sync)
  • trackback / pingback function
  • support for rss and atom
  • incremental popup search
  • tracking system (internal - showing statistics in the backend)
  • admin console backend
    • displaying statistics
  • clippings: small movable snippets that can be placed in widget areas
  • easy widget system