
Implementation of the Simultaneous Iteration Method

Primary LanguageTeX

Compile project

mkdir build cd build cmake .. make

Clean generated files

rm -r build

Launch program

Usage : ./bench [-i <iter-nb> | -p <precision-exp>] -e <eigvec-nb> [-n <matrix-size> | -f <matrix-filename>] -m <Krylov-size>

Options :

  • -i <iter-nb> : Number of iteration of the method
  • -p <precision-exp> : Base 10 exposant for minimum precision of the eigenvectors (100 iterations max)
  • -e <eigvec-nb> : Number of desired eigeinvectors
  • -n <matrix-size> : Generates a n x n random matrix as input
  • -f <matrix-filename> : Use a .mtx matrix as input
  • -m <Krylov-size> : Size of the desired Krylov space

You may not use -i and -p options together, but at least one of both is required.

You may not use -n and -f options together, but at least one of both is required.

-e and -m options are mandatory.


The program generate an output.csv file which contains execution time, eigenvectors and eigenvalues for each iteration. All data is in a single table with the following column :

  • iteration : Iteration number when the data was collected
  • eigindex : Index of the eigenvector or eigenvalue among the k asked for
  • value : Value of the data
  • type : type of data. vr means real part of eigenvalue, vi being the imaginary part. t stand for time in seconds.

Test matrices

You can use test matrices provided in test/matrices/ folder. Most of them were download from Matrix Market. The current state of the program only accepts matrices in .mtx format.

Corresponding eigenvectors for a matrix are stored in the associated .eve file. Those eigenvectors were computed using python's Numpy library (see test/compute_eve.py).