
Our official Rails SDK.

Primary LanguageRuby


Fantastic file uploading for your Rails application.


This is the official Rails gem for Transloadit. It allows you to automate uploading files through the Transloadit REST API.


$ gem install transloadit-rails

Getting started

To get started, you need to add the 'transloadit-rails' gem to your Rails project's Gemfile.

$ echo "gem 'transloadit-rails'" >> Gemfile

Now update your bundle and run the generator.

$ bundle install
$ rails g transloadit:install


Edit config/transloadit.yml. It has an auth section for your transloadit credentials and a templates section to define or refer to existing templates.

  key     : '4d2e...'
  secret  : '8ad1...' # optional, but highly recommended
  duration: 1800      # 30 minute validity period for signed upload forms

  # template identified by template_id
  s3_store: '4d2e...'
  # template defined inline
        robot : '/image/resize'
        width : 320
        height: 200


Refer to the templates with the transloadify helper. This requires jQuery, and loads the Transloadit jQuery plugin. It also uses JavaScript to ensure your form is encoded as multipart/form-data.

<%= form_for :upload, :html => { :id => 'upload' } do |form| %>
  <%= transloadit :s3_store %>
  <%= form.label      :file, 'File to upload' %>
  <%= form.file_field :file %>
  <%= form.submit %>
<% end %>

<%= transloadit_jquerify :upload %>

If you want to use the automatic transload parameter decoding, you have to include the Transloadit::Rails::ParamsDecoder module into your controller

class YourController
  include Transloadit::Rails::ParamsDecoder

that way the param[:transloadit] is automatically decoded for you, if it exists


In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to use transloadit in a freshly setup rails project.

If you haven't already done so, go ahead and install Rails.

$ gem install rails

With rails installed, let's create a new app called 'my_app'.

$ rails new my_app
$ cd my_app

In order to use transloadit in this app, we need to add the gem to our Gemfile and bundle things up.

$ echo "gem 'transloadit-rails'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle install

With that in place, it's time to generate our transloadit configuration, as well as a basic UploadsController and a dummy Upload model.

$ rails g transloadit:install
$ rails g controller uploads new create
$ rails g model upload
$ rake  db:migrate

The controller generator we just executed has probably put two GET routes into your config/routes.rb. We don't want those, so lets go ahead an overwrite them with this.

MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
  resources :uploads

Next we need to configure our config/transloadit.yml file. For this tutorial, just put in your credentials, and define an image resize step as indicated below:

  key     : '4d2e...'
  secret  : '8ad1...'
  duration: 1800      # 30 minute validity period for signed upload forms

        robot : '/image/resize'
        format: 'jpg'
        width : 320
        height: 200

Note that we encourage you to enable authentication in your Transloadit Account and put your secret into the config/transloadit.yml to have your requests signed.

Alright, time to create our upload form. In order to do that, please open app/views/uploads/new.html.erb, and put the following code in:

<%= javascript_include_tag '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js' %>

<h1>Upload an image</h1>
<%= form_for Upload.new, :html => { :id => 'upload' } do |form| %>
  <%= transloadit :image_resize %>
  <%= form.label      :file, 'File to upload' %>
  <%= form.file_field :file %>
  <%= form.submit %>
<% end %>

<%= transloadit_jquerify :upload, :wait => true %>

With this in place, we can modify the app/views/uploads/create.html.erb view to render the uploaded and resized image:

<h1>Resized upload image</h1>
<%= image_tag params[:transloadit][:results][:resize].first[:url] %>

In order to use the transloadit params in your controller and views you have to include the ParamsDecoder into your controller. Let's do that for our UploadsController.

Open up app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb and adapt it like that:

class UploadsController < ApplicationController
  include Transloadit::Rails::ParamsDecoder

  def new

  def create


That's it. If you've followed the steps closely, you should now be able to try your first upload. Don't forget do start your rails server first:

$ rails server

Then go to http://localhost:3000/uploads/new, and upload an image. If you did everything right, you should see the uploaded and resized file as soon as the upload finishes.