Group members:

Harjot Nijjar, Matthias Lee

Travis CI Status:

Build Status

Path to functions with exceptions:

OurBusiness -> People -> Staff -> addShift()

OurBusiness -> Finances -> Sales -> totalSales()

OurBusiness -> Finances -> Expenses -> totalExpenses()

OurBusiness (package)

Subpackage 1 - People

Function 1: addShift(Shift)

Adds a Shift to list of shifts for a given employee or manager

  • Input: Shift, which is an integer corresponding to a specific shift (see documentation)
  • Output: none

Function 2: allEmails()

  • Input: None
  • Output: Returns a list of strings that contains the emails of all customers

Subpackage 2 - Finances

Function 1: totalExpenses()

  • Input: none
  • Output: Returns the cost of all expenses incurred so far as a float

Function 2: totalSales()

  • Input: none
  • Output: returns the total amount of sales so far as a float