
A template for a project README

MIT LicenseMIT

Project Title

A short description of the project

NPM Version Build Status Downloads Stats

Table of Contents


One to two paragraphs about the project: What is this project about? What does the project do? Why is it useful? What problem does it solve? Who is it for?

Getting Started

Prerequisites and Main Dependencies

  • You need this
  • And you need this
  • Oh, and don't forget this


How do you install the project and what do you need for it? Mention all dependencies that need to be installed first. Ideally, you also provide version numbers. (I’m looking at you, Node.js…)


npm install our-lovely-project --save


Instructions for how to configure, run, and use the project. For example, you can include the commands needed to install and start the development environment or any other useful and important commands. Screenshots can be included as well.

For more examples and usage, please refer to the Documentation.


Any unit or integration tests people can run to assure that everything’s working as expected? Any frameworks or commands that are needed here? And are there any tests in your deployment pipeline that ensure that no errors make it into the live site?

Also include the commands needed to run any tests:

npm run test


Instructions for how to deploy the project to a production environment, including any server requirements and commands used. And, in case you are using a CI/CD pipeline, for example, how do any automated processes work? What are the most important branches? Do they trigger any pipelines?


  • Live:
  • Staging:
  • Development:


  • Master:
  • Feature:
  • Bugfix:
  • etc...
npm run build

Additional Documentation

  • Project folder on server: …
  • Confluence link: …
  • Slack project channel: …
  • etc...


We use Semantic Versioning for versioning.

  • 0.1.0
    • The first proper release
    • CHANGE: Rename foo() to bar()
    • FIX: Crash when calling pleasedonotcrash() (Thanks @AmazingContributorName!)
  • 0.0.1
    • Work in progress


  • Add intital README draft
  • A new feature on the roadmap
  • Add another feature
  • And another one
  • Multi-language Support
    • English
    • Chinese
    • Spanish


Contributors ✨ and Acknowledgments

  • Thanks to those amazing people: A, B, C (with links to their profiles/websites)
  • Hat tip to anyone whose code is used
  • Inspiration
  • etc


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/yourname/yourproject/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Important: Does this project use any specific coding guidelines, styles, or does it have a code of conduct?


Distributed under the XYZ license. See LICENSE for more information.