An opinionated boilerplate with common frontend tasks to start a new project with Gulp.js. This is a work in progress! Feel free to contribute.
Node (use brew or install it from here)
brew install node
Gulp (Getting started)
npm install -g gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0
OSX & Linux
git clone --depth 1 && cd gulp-workflow-boilerplate && rm -rf .git
git clone --depth 1 && cd gulp-workflow-boilerplate && rd /s /q .git
clone the repository, adjust package.json to your needs and install all dependendies with
npm install
You can use Browsersync to start a server that automatically updates all browsers as you change HTML, CSS, images etc.
browser-sync start --server
Browsersync is also part of the default watch task:
gulp watch
- gulp-sass
- gulp-concat
- gulp-sourcemaps
- gulp-uglify
- gulp-autoprefixer
- gulp-clean-css
- gulp-rev
- gulp-sequence
- gulp-clean
- gulp-rename
- gulp-rev-replace
More documentation will follow soon! ;)
- First basic version. Still a lot of cleanup to do. Please use with caution!
- Include a workflow for SVG
Code released under the MIT license.
Matthias Ott
Copyright (c) 2017 Matthias Ott