
Password generation utilities.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A small CLI tool for password generation.


usage: pwgen [-h] [-l <int>] [-u <int>] [-d <int>] [-s <int>] [-i <str>] [-e <str>] <length>

positional arguments:
  <length>              password length

  -h, --help                show this help message and exit
  -l <int>, --lower <int>   min amount of lower case characters
  -u <int>, --upper <int>   min amount of upper case characters
  -d <int>, --digit <int>   min amount of digits
  -s <int>, --symbol <int>  min amount of symbols
  -i <str>, --include <str> include specified characters at least once
  -e <str>, --exclude <str> exclude specified characters. Overwrites other specifications


Generates password of length 10 consisting letters, symbols and digits:

pwgen 10

Generate password of length 10 consisting of letters and digits but no symbols:

pwgen 10 --symbol 0

Generate password of length 8 consisting of letters, symbols and at least 4 digits:

pwgen 8 --digit 4

Generate password of length 10 consisting of letters, digits, symbols but excludes '#' and '!' symbols.

pwgen 10 --exclude '#!

Generate password of length 10 and explicitly includes the characters 'H', '4', 'X', 'X', 'O', 'R':

pwgen 8 --include H4XOR


After cloning, simply run

pip install .