
Gather latex templates for reports, course summaries, and cheatsheets. Overleaf bridge.

Primary LanguageTeX


Short description: Gather latex templates for reports, course summaries, and cheatsheets. Overleaf bridge.


After accumulating few projects in Overleaf (cloud-based LaTeX editor), I felt the need to centralize and backup documents / templates. Creating this repository, a bridge between Overleaf and Github, provides an Overleaf entry point to easily perform a few tests and create new projects based on existing ones, while enjoying the version control of git.

Example templates




Project structure

Bridge principles

  • 1 GitHub repo linked with 1 Overleaf project
  • Default view: README.md (GitHub) and main.tex (Overleaf)

Add templates to this repo

From Overleaf perspective, it is currently not possible to include all files of an external project (only a single file at a time can be uploaded). Best solution I found so far: download .zip files of projects from Overleaf, and unzip them in corresponding category.

File structure

  • Directory tree level 1 (i.e. root) :
    • Name of template categories (e.g. cheatsheets)
    • Git README.md
    • main.tex
  • Directory tree level 2 :
    • specific example projects / templates

Treeview of template structure

├── cheatsheets
│   ├── proj-cheatsheet-1
│   │   ├── foo.tex
│   │   ├── main.tex
│   │   ├── README.txt
│   ├── proj-cheatsheet-2
│   │   ├── main.tex
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── main.tex
├── overleaf-original
│   ├── project-1.zip
│   └── ...
└── summaries
    └── topic1
        └── ...

To-have-on-hand commands

Generate PDF vignette for example projects READMEs

  • PDF to SVG:
    $ inkscape --without-gui --file=input.pdf --export-plain-svg=output.svg