
GIF core contracts

Primary LanguageSolidityApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GIF Core Contracts

This repository holds the GIF core contracts and tools to develop, test and deploy GIF instances.

Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/matthiaszimmermann/gif-contracts.git
cd gif-contracts

Create Brownie Docker Image

Brownie is used for development of the contracts in this repository.

Alternatively to installing a python development environment and the brownie framework, wokring with Brownie is also possible via Docker. For this, build the brownie Docker image as shown below. The Dockerfile in this repository is a trimmed down version from Brownie Github

docker build -t brownie .

Run Brownie Container

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/projects brownie

Compile the GIF Core Contracts

Inside the Brownie container compile the contracts/interfaces

brownie compile --all

Run GIF Unit Tests

Run the unit tests

brownie test

Deploy and Use GIF Interactively

Start the Brownie console that shows the >>> console prompt.

brownie console

Example session inside the Brownie console

from scripts.instance import GifInstance
from scripts.product import GifTestOracle
from scripts.product import GifTestProduct

print('accounts setup')
owner = accounts[0]
oracleOwner = accounts[1]
productOwner = accounts[2]
consumer1 = accounts[3]
consumer2 = accounts[4]

print('deploy gif instance')
instance = GifInstance(owner)

print('deploy gif test oracle and product')
oracle = GifTestOracle(instance, oracleOwner)
product = GifTestProduct(instance, oracle, productOwner)
productContract = product.getProductContract()

print('check balances')

print('create policies')
premium = Wei('0.5 ether')
tx1 = productContract.applyForPolicy({'from': consumer1, 'amount': premium})
tx2 = productContract.applyForPolicy({'from': consumer1, 'amount': premium})
policyId1 = tx1.return_value
policyId2 = tx2.return_value
print('ids of created policies:\n{}\n{}'.format(policyId1, policyId2))

print('balances after policy creation')

print('show events and subcalls for policy creation')

print('submit claims')
tx_claim1 = productContract.submitClaim(policyId1, {'from': consumer1})
tx_claim2 = productContract.submitClaim(policyId2, {'from': consumer1})

print('show events for claim submission')

pc = instance.getPolicyController()
pc.getClaim(policyId1, 0)
pc.getClaim(policyId2, 0)