
Minimalistc Rust crate for reading/writing archives

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Arkiv: the Ark of archives!

What is Arkiv?

Arkiv is a library for reading and writing various archive formats.


Functional goals:

  • Correct, including tweaks for supporting popular implementations if they differ from the specifications
  • Complete, both in terms of number of formats and coverage of each format

Non-functional goals:

  • Safe, untrusted archives should be explorable at no risk
  • Portable, from 16-bits to 64-bits platforms, whatever the OS
  • Lightweight, having as little memory or CPU overhead as possible
  • FFI, a C-FFI is exported to facilitate use from other languages


Functional non-goals:

  • Extraction-capable, no compression or decompression algorithm provided

Non-functional non-goals:

  • Fastest, reasonably fast is good enough


In order to reach those goals, a few constraints are put forward:

  • Only safe Rust (outside of the ffi module)
  • No internal I/O
  • No internal memory allocation
  • No panic!, or panicking code
  • No recursion or loop controlled solely by untrusted bounds

Note: ideally, this code should be #[no_std], at least its non-test portion.


The library exposes a few top-level modules:

  • one high-level uniform module, allowing reading/writing archive formats generically
  • one low-level module per format, allowing access to all the specifities of the format
  • one api module, containing the user-definable traits to operate with the library
  • one ffi module, containing the C FFI modules mirroring each of the above modules

The library also contains a utils module, used to share commonly used code across components.

Covered formats


  • NONE


  • NONE


  • 7z
  • rar
  • tar
  • zip


The project is in a very early stage, no external contribution is planned yet.