
Run one command interactively in the foreground, while other commands run in the background.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Run one command interactively in the foreground, while other commands run in the background.

Use cases:

  • Running linting and typechecking while writing commit messages, instead of after or before like with git hooks
  • Probably others, but commits is the reason I wrote this for

Demo video


yarn add run-behind --dev
# or
npm install run-behind --save-dev


yarn run-behind <foreground-command> <background-command-1> <background-command-2> ... <background-command-n>

Example: shared with your team in package.json

// ...
  scripts: {
    "lint": "eslint src --ext .js,.ts --cache",
    "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit --incremental",
    "commit": "run-behind git-cz 'yarn lint' 'yarn typecheck'"
// ...

Example: just for you

Install globally:

npm install -g run-behind

Add an alias to ~/.zshrc or equivalent for easy usage

alias gc=run-behind git-cz 'yarn lint --quiet' 'yarn typecheck --pretty'


If you want to get back to your terminal without waiting for the tasks to end, just hit ctrl-c.

Things will be commmited even if the background command fail. It's not a bug, it's a feature. You can use git commit --amend if it turns out something failed.

Setting up caching for the commands will make the experience a lot better:

  • eslint: just add --cache to the command
  • tsc: use --incremental
  • jest: usually caching is set up by default, you can add --onlyChanged to only run relevant tests