
My emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Configuration

My Emacs configuration. The file init.el should be added to the .emacs.d directory.

The following screenshot shows the editing of a python file Python editing


The followings packages are needed and automatically installed form ELPA if absent:

  • better-defaults
  • material-theme
  • projectile
  • magit
  • neotree
  • ivy
  • counsel
  • swiper
  • powerline
  • rust-mode
  • lsp-ui
  • flycheck-rust
  • elpy
  • company-lsp
  • blacken
  • yaml-mode
  • highlight-indent-guides
  • auctex


Language support

company auto-completion and flycheck are enabled.

For python, elpy is loaded and flake8 and pyright are enabled with flycheck.

Rust support is configured with LSP.


Project management is enabled with projectile (prefix key is C-c p)

magit can be launched with C-x g for any git manipulations.