This is a simple web app that uses Face-API.js to demonstrate facial recognition technology.
It's built with Next.js, Prisma and Chakra UI.
First, set the SQLite db with Prisma
yarn prisma migrate dev
Then, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Finally, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to start testing face recognition.
First, install required dependencies:
Second, generate some referential descriptors (via face-api.js for example) and keep it in features/
folder as .json
"0": -0.07616627216339111,
"1": 0.10632248967885971,
"2": 0.0073056770488619804,
"3": -0.11107124388217926,
"4": -0.13152258098125458,
"0": -0.1595122516155243,
"1": 0.14416350424289703,
"2": 0.0833432748913765,
"3": -0.14474943280220032,
"4": -0.15674208104610443,
Finally, generate your query descriptor and store it in a .json
"0": -0.07616627216339111,
"1": 0.10632248967885971,
"2": 0.0073056770488619804,
"3": -0.11107124388217926,
"4": -0.13152258098125458,
Then, run:
node --experimental-modules demo.mjs -i features/query-descriptor.json
> Me (0.28)
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.