
This repository contains instructions and code to install and extend the Lite-HRNet pose estimation method to be compatible with the SPEED+ dataset

Primary LanguagePython

Lite-HRNet Installation and Method Extension for Compatability with SPEED+ Dataset

Lite-HRNet is a 2D pose estimation method whose implementation depends on several packages from OpenMMLab, notably MMCV and MMPose. Since Lite-HRNet was made publicly available, installation of the method has become more complicated due to major upgrades to MMCV and MMPose. In addition, by default Lite-HRNet is compatible with the COCO and MPII Human Pose datasets but not with the SPEED+ dataset. The method must therefore be extended to make it compatible with the SPEED+ dataset.

Lite-HRNet Installation Instructions

1. Create conda environment and activate it

conda create -n openmmlab python=3.8
conda activate openmmlab

2. Install PyTorch

Install PyTorch 1.11.0 using following command:

conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

For more information, see the installation instructions on the PyTorch website.

3. Install MIM

Install MIM, a package management software, using the following command:

pip install -U openmim

4. Install MMCV using MIM

Install version 1.7.0 of the old release of MMCV using the following command:

mim install mmcv-full==1.7.0

For more information, see the installation instructions here.

5. Install MMPose using pip

Install version 0.29.0 of the old release of MMPose using the following command:

pip install mmpose==0.29.0

For more information, see the installation instructions here.

6. Clone the Lite-HRNet GitHub repository

git clone https://github.com/HRNet/Lite-HRNet.git

7. Install remaining build requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Extending Lite-HRNet for SPEED+ Dataset Compatibility

1. Add custom Python class

For more information, see the instructions here.

  1. Add the topdown_speedplus_dataset.py file from this GitHub repository to the mmpose/datasets/datasets/top_down folder

  2. When running Lite-HRNet for the first time, modify line 15 of the topdown_speedplus_dataset.py file in the following way:

  1. Update the __init__.py file in the mmpose/datasets/datasets/top_down and mmpose/datasets/datasets folders

2. Add custom dataset transformation

For more information, see the instructions here.

  1. Add the my_transforms.py file from this GitHub repository to the mmpose/datasets/pipelines folder

  2. When running Lite-HRNet for the first time, modify line 13 of the my_transforms.py file in the following way:

  1. Update the __init__.py file in the mmpose/datasets/pipelines folder

3. Additional modifications

For code modifications required because of MMCV and MMPose upgrades, see the following files in this GitHub repository:

  • configs/base/datasets/speedplus.py
  • models/backbones/litehrnet.py
  • tools/train.py
  • tools/test.py