
Archive site for my familiy photo album


  1. Install composer via https://getcomposer.org/
  2. Clone this repository $ git clone https://github.com/matthijsbos/familievlaar.nl.git
  3. Navigate into the directory and execute $ composer install. Composer will now download and install all php dependencies.
  4. Copy the .env.example file to .env.
  5. Modify all relevant lines in the .env file.
  6. Run php artisan migrate to run all database scripts.
  7. Create first user using command line tools: php artisan user:create --help.

Development environment setup

  1. Install the Homestead Vagrant box by following the instructions on http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/homestead
  2. Modify the ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml file so that it points to the site installation folder
  3. Navigate into cloned folder.
  4. vagrant up
  5. vagrant ssh in order to execute commands such as php artisan migrate.