
Small repository to show how JSX and hooks work

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Learning by Building: React & Redux

This is the code repository for the talk: "Learning by Building: React & Redux"

By creating an own implementation of React and Redux you'll gain insights in the inner workings.

Topics covered:

  • Redux
    • state
    • dispatch
    • listeners
    • combineReducers
  • React
    • JSX
    • Virtual DOM
    • Reconciliation (Dom Diffing)
    • Hooks (useRef, useState, useCallback, useEvent)
    • Controlled Inputs
    • useEffect, useContext
    • Creating a TodoMVC App


This repo works as a slideshow. By using the commands from git-slide-deck (see section: "How To Run") the codebase will be checked out in a different state for each slide. So your local codebase is a slide, which you can inspect, run or experiment with, until you go to the next slide.

How to run

The main branch contains the end result for both:

to run the Redux part:

node redux/index.js

to run the React part:

yarn start

to run the slides:

yarn global add git-slide-deck
git slide-deck present