
This blackjack coach will provide you with the optimal move based on your cards and the dealer's cards, using the Hi-Lo system, Betting Deviations, and Playing Deviations strategies.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Blackjack Strategy Calculator

This is a Python project that determines the optimal move for a player in a game of Blackjack, based on three different strategies: the Hi-Lo system, Betting Deviations, and Playing Deviations. The class has a method get_optimal_move that takes in four arguments: the current bet of the player, the cards in the dealer's hand, the cards in the player's hand, and a boolean value indicating whether the player is allowed to split their hand (default value is False). It returns a tuple containing the optimal move as a string and the optimal bet for the next hand as an integer. The possible values for the move are 'hit', 'stand', 'double', and 'split'.

As a community project, we rely on the contributions and expertise of our users to continuously improve and evolve this Blackjack Strategy Calculator. We encourage and welcome any and all pull requests that aim to make this tool even more comprehensive and effective for players looking to optimize their Blackjack strategy. Whether you have ideas for new features or simply want to help polish and refine the existing code, your contributions are invaluable and greatly appreciated. With your help, we can make this the go-to resource for anyone looking to maximize their chances of winning at Blackjack. Let's work together to create the ultimate Blackjack strategy calculator.

There are a few things that could be added or improved in this code:

  • Implement more advanced betting strategies, such as the Martingale or Fibonacci systems.
  • Add support for more complex hand situations, such as soft hands or double downs after splits.
  • Implement a strategy for insurance bets.
  • Add a function to calculate the expected return for each possible move, taking into account the current bet - and the probability of winning or losing.
  • Add support for multiple decks and card counting strategies.
  • Implement a simulation to test the effectiveness of different betting and playing strategies, with a target win rate of 55% for the player.
  • Write more detailed documentation and examples for each function.


To use the class, import it and create a new object, then call the get_optimal_move method with the appropriate arguments:

from blackjack_strategy import BlackjackStrategy

strategy = BlackjackStrategy()

current_bet = 100
dealer_hand = ['A', '5']
player_hand = ['T', '6']
move, next_hand_bet = strategy.get_optimal_move(current_bet, dealer_hand, player_hand)
print(f'Optimal move: {move}')
print(f'Next hand bet: {next_hand_bet}')


  • current_bet (int): The current bet of the player.
  • dealer_hand (list): A list of strings representing the cards in the dealer's hand. Each string is a single character representing the rank of the card, with T representing 10, J representing Jack, Q representing Queen, K representing King, and A representing Ace.
  • player_hand (list): A list of strings representing the cards in the player's hand. Each string is a single character representing the rank of the card, with T representing 10, J representing Jack, Q representing Queen, K representing King, and A representing Ace
  • no_split (bool): A boolean value indicating whether the player is allowed to split their hand. The default value is False.


  • tuple: A tuple containing the optimal move as a string and the optimal bet for the next hand as an integer. The possible values for the move are 'hit', 'stand', 'double', and 'split'.