
Primary LanguageJavaScript


###An implementation of iBeacon technology to take ticket information, verify that the information exists in a database and display the result--Updated from Tfly_Beacon

I'll break this down by file. If there are any questions/issues, feel free to drop me a line. See specific folders for their individual documentations.

##BeaconMachineManager The highest up in the file heirarchy of the program. This is where the magic happens. It initiates, manages and listens to all of the different processes (indicators, bluetooth, ultrasonic, etc.) depending on the state of the machine. A more thorough documentation is below.

A brief rundown of the states, events and functions (anonymous and not) of BeaconMachineManager

For the sake of berevity I have only written about the event and state changes where I have implemented something--There are many more event/state changes that can be utilized within the state machine module. I have coded most of them in, but they remain empty at this point because I had no need for them

#####States The different states that the machine can be in

State Name Description Note
none Initial state of the machine before being initialized Cannot be returned to after starting the machine
init The beacon initializes itself and all of its peripherals Cannot be returned to after starting the machine
default The manager monitors the bluetooth for a received ticket-string, it also monitors the ultrasonic for a deviation N/A
checkingDatabase Checks the SD card database for a ticket-string found in the default state N/A
admitVIP Displays the VIP admit indicators and returns to default N/A
admitGEN Displays the admit indicators and returns to default N/A
noAdmitVOI Displays the no admit-Void indicators and returns to default N/A
noAdmit Displays the no admit indicators and returns to default N/A

The events that cause state changes in the machine. An event can be triggered by calling BeaconManager.EVENT() anywhere in the program.

Event Name Description Note
start moves the machine from the none state to the init state N/A
beginDefault moves the machine from the init state to the default state N/A
toCheckDatabase moves the machine from the default state to the checkingDatabase state N/A
toAdmitGeneral moves the machine from the checkingDatabase state to the admitGEN state N/A
returnToDefault moves the machine from any of the admit/noAdmit states to default N/A
toAdmitVIP moves the machine from the checkingDatabase state to the admitVIP state N/A
toNoAdmitVOI moves the machine from the checkingDatabase state to the noAdmitVOI state N/A
noAdmitNormal moves the machine from the checkingDatabase state to the noAdmit state N/A
cutToNoAdmit moves the machine from the default state to the noAdmit state N/A
cutToCheckDatabase moves the machine from the noAdmit state to the checkingDatabase state N/A

#####Functions (onEVENT or onSTATE) These functions (with the exception of __endFlagMarker() ) are triggered by events or state changes. They are not accessable out of this context unless you explicitly redefine the body of these functions later in the code.

Function Name Description Arguments Returns Note
__endFlagMarker() Used to mark that the indicators have been on long enough for the noAdmit state and that the manager should return to the default state N/A N/A N/A
ondefault Listens for a deviation in the ultrasonic (which then pushes the machine to a noAdmit state), or a new ticket-string from the BLE (which then causes a shift to the checkingDatabase state) using an async.whilst() loop. N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
oncheckingDatabase Uses an async.whilst() loop to listen as the SDSearch function searches the database for a match for the inputted ticket string. If the search is successful, the manager pushes to the appropriate admit/noAdmit state. If it is not, the manager pushes to the noAdmit state. N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onadmitGEN Displays the Admit-General indicators and calls a return to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onadmitVIP Displays the Admit-VIP indicators and calls a return to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onnoAdmitVOI Displays the noAdmit-Void indicators and calls a return to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onnoAdmit Displays the noAdmit indicators and calls a return to default. Also listens for a received ticket from the BLE and transfers to the checkingDatabase state if one is found--Basically allows for an interrupt of this state if accidentally triggered by the ultrasonic even if the person has a ticket N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onleaveadmitGEN Displays the ticketfly logo and returns to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onleaveadmitVIP Displays the ticketfly logo and returns to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onleavenoAdmitVOI Displays the ticketfly logo and returns to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function
onleavenoAdmit Displays the ticketfly logo and returns to default N/A N/A Cannot be called in the script, as it is an anonymous function

See javascript-state-machine for more information on how states and events work in the machine.

##executiveShellCommands.js A module that resets all the bluetooth daemons before allowing the program to continue.

Function Name Description Arguments Returns Note
clearBluetoothCache() Removes all bluetooth daemons N/A N/A N/A
nextCommand() Reconfigures the bluetooth socket and the bluetooth daemon N/A N/A N/A

##BLEandBeacon.js A module that manages the creation and broadcast of bluetooth services. I will briefly cover all of my added functions. I will not cover the beacon callbacks here, or any built in functions. For information on those, see bleno.

Function Name Description Arguments Returns Note
__startAdvertisingIbeacon() Begins broadcasting a beacon data packet and sets a timeout to switch to __startAdvertisingBle() N/A N/A N/A
__stopAdvertisingIbeacon() Stops the iBeacon broadcast N/A N/A N/A
__startAdvertisingBle() Begins broadcasting a regular BLE data packet and sets a timeout to switch to __startAdvertisingIbeacon() N/A N/A N/A
__stopAdvertisingBle() Stops the BLE broadcast N/A N/A N/A
beginBroadcasting() Initializes the entire beacon and begins the alteration between iBeacon and BLE N/A N/A N/A
resetDataString() Periodically resets the exported dataString so that the BeaconManager isn’t triggered to switch states without a new ticket-string being found N/A N/A N/A

##Images The necessary images for the OledDisplay module


  • bleno: The javascript beacon API
  • line-reader: As it sounds, used in SdSearch to
  • png-to-lcd: Used to convert png images to lcd compatible bitmaps
  • replace: Used to aid the unimplemented SDReplaceFunction
  • segfault-handler: Used to catch and manage unexpected segfaults
  • exec: Used to execute shell commands from within the script
  • javascript-state-machine: State machine--overall controller for state changes

#Future suggestions See the issues section

#Relevant Documentation Maxsonar EZ: http://www.maxbotix.com/documents/HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ_Datasheet.pdf