
This is a repository of tools to help with the installation of Windows Azure Pack Websites. Among the tools noted are scripts for helping with offline installation.

Offline installation instructions

On a machine with internet connectivity follow these instructions:

  1. Install newest version of Web Platform Installer
  2. In powershell as Administrator run the powershell script named OfflineWebSitesFeeds.ps1. The script has 2 optional parameters.
    • $WebSitesFeedLink is the link pointing to the WebSites0.9.0.xml for the particular version of Windows Azure Pack: Web Sites to be installed, by default this will point to the newest version available.
    • $OfflineFeedsLocation is the location on the machine that all of the product and product dependencies will be copied to, by default this will be %SystemDrive%\Offline_Feeds

From a machine in the isolated network that will host this feed please follow these instructions:

  1. Copy the entire $OfflineFeedsLocation folder from the machine with internet connectivity to the isolated machine
  2. Install IIS. This will be used to host the feed to be used during installation.
  3. In powershell as Administrator run the powershell script HostWebSitesFeed.ps1. The script has 2 required parameters.
    • $OfflineFeedsLocation is the location of the folder copied from the machine with internet connectivity.
    • $HostingLocation is the directory where to host the feed from.
  4. The script will output a feed to point Web Platform Installer to on the Web Sites Controller role to install the product
  5. Run Web Platform Installer and point the feed to the locally hosted feed.

When running OfflineWebSitesFeeds.ps1, these are the links pointing to older versions of the Websites feed.