1-1-1 Static Webpack Build

1 HTML file, 1 CSS file, 1 JS file

If you want a simple setup where you only need one HTML file, one CSS/SCSS file, and one JS file, then this is the build for you. Simply edit main.html,main.scss, and main.js and Webpack will spit out a minified set of static files into your dist folder.

A couple of notes:

  • You can write regular CSS in main.scss, but the feature is there for those who know how to write SCSS and take advantage of its flexibility.


  • NodeJS - Can be downloaded here and pick either version.
  • Git (Optional) - Can be downloaded here.


  • Open a Command Prompt in the folder/directory where you want your project folder to be. In Windows 10 you can easily click on File > 'Open Command Prompt'. If you're using anything else you probably knew this already!
  • Type in git clone https://github.com/matthras/111-static-webpack (or download the ZIP directly and extract it into your folder/directory).
  • Navigate into that directory (cd <directory name>) and type npm install.
  • You're good to go! Open up main.html, main.scss and main.js in your text editor of choice and go!


  • npm build: compile your static files which can be found in your dist folder.
  • npm start: start a server that has live reload (i.e. your browser will automatically refresh whenever you make changes to the base files). Default URL is localhost:9999.


  • This build uses node-sass which at the time of writing this, may cause problems for some. One solution is to use a verison of node lower then version 8.