
Testing out OpenTelemetry's StackExchange.Redis instrumentation

Primary LanguageC#

Testing OpenTelemetry StackExchange.Redis instrumentation

Summary: The StackExchange.Redis instrumentation works when using the Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder() syntax, but when using ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) in Startup.cs

Requirements to run this example:

  • Local Redis instance
  • testKey01 with a valid string value in Redis
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis

$ redis-cli> SET testKey01 "this is a string value saved in Redis"

Run console app (works as expected):

$ dotnet run --project ./OpenTelemetry.Redis.ConsoleApp

StackExchange.Redis instrumentation works correctly, and telemetry is written to the console output:

Activity.Id:          00-9d3f69931850ec42a4971457262f001a-96ced4535b073144-01
Activity.DisplayName: GET
Activity.Kind:        Client
Activity.StartTime:   2020-11-16T20:45:08.0931395Z
Activity.Duration:    00:00:00.0037115
    otel.status_code: 0
    db.system: redis
    db.redis.flags: None
    db.statement: GET
    net.peer.name: localhost
    net.peer.port: 6379
    db.redis.database_index: 0
    Enqueued [11/16/2020 20:45:08 +00:00]
    Sent [11/16/2020 20:45:08 +00:00]
    ResponseReceived [11/16/2020 20:45:08 +00:00]

Run API (StackExchange.Redis telemetry not working):

$ dotnet run --project ./OpenTelemetry.Redis.API

Two routes in API:

  • GET https://localhost:5001/http (OpenTelemetry HTTP instrumentation)
  • GET https://localhost:5001/redis (OpenTelemetry Redis instrumentation)

GET https://localhost:5001/http makes a System.Net.HttpClient call in the controller, and correctly writes the AspNetCore and Http telemetry to the console output:

Activity.ParentId:    00-6bd8892b93af194691aced7eecfed433-b6550fc7689b0b41-01
Activity.DisplayName: HTTP GET
Activity.Kind:        Client
Activity.StartTime:   2020-11-16T20:48:54.2025164Z
Activity.Duration:    00:00:00.2107437
    http.method: GET
    http.host: github.com
    http.url: https://github.com/
    http.status_code: 200
    otel.status_code: 0
    otel.status_description: OK

Activity.Id:          00-6bd8892b93af194691aced7eecfed433-b6550fc7689b0b41-01
Activity.DisplayName: Http
Activity.Kind:        Server
Activity.StartTime:   2020-11-16T20:48:54.1384931Z
Activity.Duration:    00:00:00.4028030
    http.host: localhost:5001
    http.method: GET
    http.path: /http
    http.url: https://localhost:5001/http
    http.user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0
    http.route: Http
    http.status_code: 200
    otel.status_code: 0

GET https://localhost:5001/redis reads from the local Redis instance, but only writes the AspNetCore telemetry to the console output. There is no telemetry written for the StackExchange.Redis activity:

Activity.Id:          00-ae623fa811c40f49b53d7631dd965a5b-69613d8304b98f4e-01
Activity.DisplayName: Redis
Activity.Kind:        Server
Activity.StartTime:   2020-11-16T20:57:29.6511907Z
Activity.Duration:    00:00:00.0743082
    http.host: localhost:5001
    http.method: GET
    http.path: /redis
    http.url: https://localhost:5001/redis
    http.user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0
    http.route: Redis
    http.status_code: 200
    otel.status_code: 0

Expected behavior: AspNetCore and StackExchange.Redis telemetry should be written to the console output.