
Syntax plugin for Ab Initio Data Manipulation Language

Primary LanguageVim Script


A VIM syntax plugin for Ab Initio Data Manipulation Language.


Copy the included directories into your .vim or vimfiles directory. The tabular and the neosnippet plugin is also recommended, but not necessary.


Or better to use a plugin manager, like dein. Put this lines in your plugin list:

call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet')      " Recommended  
call dein#add('godlygeek/tabular',     
      \{ 'on_cmd' : 'Tabularize' })     " Recommended 
call dein#add('mattia72/vim-abinitio' , 
      \{ 'on_ft': ['abinitio' ] }) 

So the plugin will loaded only if you open a *.dml file or call set filetype=abinitio.


Another, but depricated aproach to use neobundle simply put this line after your neobundle list in your .vimrc:

NeoBundleLazy 'mattia72/vim-abinitio'

then add this line in your auto commands section:

autocmd FileType abinitio NeoBundleSource vim-abinitio

So the plugin will loaded only if you open a *.dml file or call set filetype=abinitio.

Syntax highlight


Matchit support

b:match_words contains matching words to jump between "begin" and "end" or "record" and "end" with %


Indentation works well (in most cases :)) Screenshot

  1. Select the lines you wan't to indent. (eg. with V% on a "begin" keyword)
  2. Push =


To format lines, that assigns values (contains = or ::), we can use the famous tabular plugin. [vim-abinitio] (http://github.com/mattia72/vim-abinitio) maps the appropriate commands for you.

  • <leader>t= helps you line up assignments by aligning the = on each line.
  • <leader>t: helps you line up assignments by aligning the :: on each line.

Neosnippet support

For this feature you need to install neosnippet.

The snippet file should loaded automatically, if not, you can load it by:

:NeoSnippetSource <path_to_the_vim-abinitio_plugin>\snippets\abinitio.snip

Then you can start type a snippet alias eg. func.

  • C-k selects and expands a snippet from the neocomplcache/ neocomplete popup (Use C-n and C-p to select it).
  • C-k can be used to jump to the next field in the snippet.
  • Tab to select the next field to fill in the snippet.

Available snippets are in the snippets directory. Feel free to extend them.

How to use it from AbInitio GDE?

  1. Download the exe file from here: AbInitioPlus
  2. Start it!
  3. Open an editor in GDE.
  4. Push the corresponding hotkey
