This package provides some utilities for generating/parsing fixed-width (positional) files. This library is under development, use it in production at your own risk :D.
composer require mattiabasone/fixed-width
Given that sample object:
namespace MyNameSpace;
use MattiaBasone\FixedWidth\FixedWidth;
class MyObject implements FixedWidth
public function __construct(
#[FixedWidthProperty(from: 0, to: 9)]
public string $name,
#[FixedWidthProperty(from: 10, to: 19)]
public string $surname,
#[FixedWidthProperty(from: 20, to: 22)]
public int $age
) {
You can pass this object to the serialize()
method of the Serializer
use MattiaBasone\FixedWidth\Serializer;
use MyNameSpace\MyObject;
$object = new MyObject("John", "Smith", "39");
echo (new Serializer())->serialize($object);
// Prints
// "John Smith 39 "
For deserialize a string into an object that implements FixedWidth
interface and has properties with #[FixedWidthProperty]
use MattiaBasone\FixedWidth\Serializer;
use MyNameSpace\MyObject;
$object = "John Smith 39 ";
var_dump((new Serializer())->deserialize($object, MyObject::class));
// Prints:
// class MyObject#12 (3) {
// public string $name =>
// string(4) "John"
// public string $surname =>
// string(5) "Smith"
// public int $age =>
// int(39)
// }