
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenNMT seq2seq model

This project is an implementation of the OpenNMT sequence-to-sequence model in MxNet. The OpenNMT model is based on:

  • a stacked LSTM encoder
  • a stacked LSTM decoder
  • an attention model

The reference model configuration is:

  • 2 LSTM encoder layers
  • 2 LSTM decoder layers
  • hidden state of 500 units
  • embedding size of 500 units
  • truncating the vocabulary to the top 50,000 words
  • truncating the maximum sentence length to 50 words

The reference model is normally trained on the WMT15 English-German dataset, which consists of:

  • raw Europarl v7
  • Common Crawl
  • News Commentary v7

For more details, see here.

How to run the scripts?

  1. Run the get_opennmt_data.sh script to download and preprocess the dataset. Preprocessing includes corpora concatenation, shuffling, and a trainining/validation set split.
  2. Run the preprocessing step. Fair warning: this can take close to half an hour, but it's a one-time cost. Run python preprocess_data.py to do that. Make sure you have enough RAM, at least 32 GB.
  3. Run the model. Note that the batch size setting is global, not per GPU. So, when running on a DGX-1 with a batch size of 128 per GPU, choose a batch size of 128 * 8 = 1,024. Here is a sample command to run the training:

python seq2seq_bucketing.py --num-layers 2 --num-embed 500 --num-hidden 500 --optimizer adam --disp-batches 1 --gpus 0,1 --num-epochs 1 --batch-size 256


Many thanks to Eric Xie (@piiswrong), Sheng Zha (@szha) and Antti-Pekka Hynninen (@ap-hynninen) for valuable input.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the text of the license here.


Inference isn't implemented yet.